If you live in Texas and are located in the Greater Houston area, then you might want to visit: and under "interests" click NADF to get to his information about the local meetings.

Mike Flannigan is head of the Adrenal Diseases Support Group for the Greater Houston area. They meet quarterly and have very interesting topics addressed that are critical to anyone diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency.

Check out his webpage. If you know of a great support group in your area, please send me an email and I will add it to this page.


A wonderful Addison's discussion forum is available and is worth your time to get registered and to start browsing the different categories and topics. There is little judgement at this site, you can share a good day, a bad day and just be yourself with great support. I've also found some incredible useful information on this forum. The users are candid, helpful and there are members with Addison's Disease, Adrenal Conditions, there are parents of children with Adrenal Insufficiency/Addison's and more. It is helpful, nurturing and a great way to meet others with similar struggles. The link is: and is called "Addison's Village."


The absolute best resource for those with Addison's Disease/Adrenal Insufficiency (A.I.), in my opinion, is the National Adrenal Diseases Foundation. This foundation also addresses other adrenal issues and they provide comprehensive research and information that is unrivaled. Their link is: This non-profit foundation was started in the 1980's by a young couple who had experiences with Addison's Disease, but found their search for information to be sorely lacking. They set out to change this end result by continuing to provide updated viable medical information and resource links. Even if you cannot afford to pay for a membership, they are still extremely generous in their efforts to reach out. They will put you on their email list and you will receive very important information as it is released. Words cannot express my appreciation of this foundation's practical daily information, their efforts to educate others about adrenal issues and their packets of information for newly diagnosed patients that definitely assist a family by providing additional outside strength and support. They also have print-outs ready for emergency situations that you can give to medical personnell or to others in a position to give you aid. If you or someone you know has adrenal issues, it is well worth the time and energy to visit and re-visit this site. If you have Addison's/Adrenal Insufficiency, then you need to stay in regular touch with this foundation so you can remain empowered.